
Celebration of Girl Child day in Ratlam

All human beings bear the image of God, so all are infinitely valuable and worthy of being loved and respected. Highlighting this thought, the Sisters of St. Joseph’s Convent, Ratlam, organized ‘Girl Child Day’ on September 8, in St. Anne’s Parish, Ratlam on the occasion of the Nativity of Mother Mary.  

 ‘To gift a sapling, is a gift of life’, to imbibe the thought in them for the need of the hour towards our mother earth and our responsibility towards nature that how beautifully the mother earth nurtures us with love, care, and tender affection, hopefully, these young girls would learn to take care of the sapling and develop a sense of responsibility and the assembled people understand that equal priority to be given to both daughters and sons. With this ideology, we gifted a sapling each to the 50 girls who were present for this occasion.

S. Gloria Clarence

News Posts - May, 2024