
Indian Provinces Jpic Meet

On January 12 and 13, twenty eight members of JPIC (Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation) of the four Indian Provinces gathered in Snehalaya, Nagpur for two day’s interactive session. Srs. Neha and Vasantha, the members of the International JPIC Commission successfully oriented the group towards this noble action. The benign presence and valuable contributions of Sr. Mariaelena Aceti, the General Councillor and Sr. Lorraine Marie Delaney, the former Superior General, stimulated the group into the very depth and core of JPIC.

After the meaningful prayer, official welcome and lighting the lamp, Sr. Philo, the Provincial Superior of Nagpur in her Inaugural Address challenged the group with these words: “Do we have a call to bring about justice, peace and integrity of creation?”

Sr. Mariaelena creatively made us to understand the hierarchical structure of JPIC panorama, the JPIC goals and its functioning,  and explained in detail on the role of UN-NGO, of JCoR (Justice Coalition of Religious), and of Global JPIC.

S. Dorothy Beck deftly brought out the connection between CSJ Spirituality and JPIC. She said “JPIC demands passion for justice, desire for peace and non-violence, and concern for the integrity of creation.” Explaining the Profile of a JPIC Animator, Sr. Neha highlighted the fact that JPIC is not a theme or a topic to be included in the Agenda of a meeting, but an attitude, a way of life. The responsibility of a JPIC animator is animation, formation, communication, coordination and collaboration. The animator should able to breathe life in the group. As a next task, the group was invited to draw up a concrete Action plan on Conflicts and Developing Non-Violent Strategies and also Gender Inequality and Women (SDG 5) for the years 2019 and 2020.

On the second day Sr. Philo enlightened the group on Advocacy and Sr. Lorraine Marie briefly explained on the Process and Steps of Advocacy. Further Sr. Lorraine briefed us on Laudato Si (Care for the Common Home) the Encyclical of our Holy Father, Pope Francis. Before concluding the meeting each one shared the insights she received and some practical suggestions were enlisted. All felt enlightened and encouraged to commit themselves fully to make JPIC a way of life.

Laveena D’souza

News Posts - May, 2024