
Education Ministry Meeting

A common platform was set for the sisters of Tanmaya Province on 21 and 22 April, in Tanmaya, Bhopal, who are involved in the mission of Education. Thirty one sisters actively participated in this meeting. Sr. Prabha, the Provincial Superior welcomed the group. Sr. Julie introduced Fr. Jacob CMI, the resource person for the first day. The resource person unfurled various topics related to character formation and value based education. On the second day, sisters gathered in small groups for an enriched sharing of the mission. Mirroring Values – a common theme for the schools for the year 2018-19 was finalised. An effective and concrete action plan was drawn in groups. Thanking God and one another the members dispersed to their communities.

S. Laveena D’Souza
Tanmaya Province

News Posts - May, 2024