This year as we celebrated the foundation of Love laid in the 17th Century, first in the heart of a young priest and further which materialized into a congregation displaying the greatest love of God in action, we entered into the Tridium on 12th of October with burning candles in our hands signifying that we are the torch bearers of the same light of love burning in the heart of our founder.
This day was entirely dedicated to him and to our six sisters whose hearts were aflame with the love of God in times of poverty, war and darkness. The 2nd daysaw the chapel in darkness. The lights were put off, as a reminder of the dark night of the French Revolution, in which all hopes, dreams and goodness seemed to have been suppressed; however, a house built on strong foundation can never be washed away, and our congregation was re-founded through Mother St.John Fontbonne. This day of the tridium was a reflection on the life of 3 courageous and loving women......Mother St.John Fontbonne, Mother St.JohnMarcoux and Mother Boissat who carried the flame to India. On the 3rd day, we prayed to be imbued by the virtues of perfection, self-emptying love, zeal, fidelity, attentiveness and ever readiness like the created and uncreated Trinity, so that we may allow this fire enkindled in us to grow higher and brighter, in leaps and bounds.
The climax on the 15th was when we offered ourselves as a fragrant offering, pleasing to God. Each sister came forward to light their incense stick in the flame of love burning before our founder and then the maha-aarti was performed to the Eucharistic Lord. Thus the spirit of love had united all our hearts in prayer, praise, worship and thanksgiving as we celebrated the foundation day in our Sandhyavan community.
Sr.Deanne D'Souza
Province of Nagpur